Getting a quote from the Sydney Estimating Group couldn’t be easier!

At the Sydney Estimating Group our quote process is streamlined – making sure you receive a fast turnaround on your quote and a firm date for project delivery.

Obtaining a fixed-fee quote for our estimating service is a convenient two-step process:

1. Firstly, email your drawing, along with the project scope, to us at

2. Secondly, our team will provide you with a fixed fee quote within 24 hours and an estimated

delivery time for completion of your project.

Our estimating service also includes:

  • Our Delivery Times – Your estimate will be delivered to you within 4-7 working days after your payment has been made. If you require a shorter timeframe, please let us know and we’ll do our best to achieve this. For those projects that are required ASAP, the Sydney Estimating Group offers a priority service – with a guaranteed turnaround time of 72 hours – for an additional fee of 30% upon your quotation price.
  • For Oversized Files – For oversized attachments that are unable to be sent by email, please use one of the online platforms that allows file sharing of large documents (such as Google Docs or Dropbox).
  • Estimate Document Types – Our estimates will be emailed to you in pdf format for your consideration.
  • Estimate Revisions – Following review of your cost estimation, we will carry out any adjustments or variations that may be required. Once we have revised the estimation, we will email it back to you.
  • Estimate Accuracy – At the Sydney Estimating Group we keep our pricing “current” by consistently updating our records. In instances where we haven’t provided services in a particular geographical area for some time, we will conduct significant investigation to ensure we can provide the latest figures. All of this means that our pricing estimates are the most current and are therefore accurate.
  • Take Offs Accuracy – The short answer is very accurate! By using established methodologies in the industry we are able to deliver highly accurate cost estimates. Our industry know- how, coupled with a deep understanding of the cost estimate process, means that we don’t leave items out of the take off process – guaranteeing our clients accuracy and a successful project.
  • Nonconforming / Special / “Outside of the Box” Projects – At the Sydney Estimating Group we thrive on unique projects. We know that all projects can be disassembled into its parts and then measured – no matter how unique your project is. And, because of this, we can provide a cost estimate on any project presented to us.